Unveiling the Dangers of Idolatry

Few topics resonate as powerfully as the warnings against the dangers of idolatry found in the Bible. From the Old Testament to the New, the scriptures deliver profound insights into the perils of placing anything above the one true God. Understanding Idolatry Idolatry, in its essence, is the act of worshiping or prioritizing anything other than God. It extends beyond […]

Types of People the Bible Warns Us to Avoid

The Bible serves as a guidebook for believers, offering wisdom and insight on how to live a godly and fulfilling life. Along with its teachings on love, compassion, and forgiveness, there are people the Bible warns us to avoid and distance ourselves from. As Christians, we need to be intentional with whom we allow access into our everyday life. 1 […]

The Deception of Having a Form of Godliness: A Call to Genuine Transformation

In 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV), the Apostle Paul warns Timothy of perilous times that will come in the last days, describing people who have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”  The phrase “having a form of godliness” suggests an outward appearance of religiosity or piety, yet lacking the transformative power of true faith. This form of godliness […]

The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit: A New Life In Christ

In surrendering to God, and giving your life to Christ, one of the most profound experiences is encountering the transformative work of the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, their life undergoes a radical transformation, marked by spiritual rebirth, renewal, empowerment, and a newfound identity in Christ.

Biblical Wisdom For Toxic Relationships

In our journey as believers, we encounter various relationships that impact our lives. While God calls us to love others and extend forgiveness, there are times when we must prayerfully consider walking away from individuals who persist in unrepentant behavior, toxicity, and refusal to change. There’s a balance that must be achieved in guarding ourselves from toxic people while maintaining […]

Taking Up Your Cross and Denying Yourself: A Call to Radical Discipleship

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus issues a profound call to all who would follow Him: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24, KJV). This invitation to discipleship is not one of comfort or convenience but of sacrifice and surrender. It is evident from Scripture that […]

Understanding the Purposes of Biblical Fasting and Prayer

Fasting is a practice deeply rooted in biblical tradition, with profound spiritual significance. Throughout the pages of the Bible, we find numerous examples of biblical fasting and prayer, each serving a distinct purpose in the lives of God’s people. Let us delve into Scripture to uncover the purposes of biblical fasting as revealed in God’s Word. Seeking God’s Guidance: In […]

Bible Study Resources To Get The Most Out Of Your Studies

In a world filled with distractions and demands, finding time to study the Bible can often feel like a daunting task. Yet, as Christians, we understand the importance of immersing ourselves in the Word of God, for it is through Scripture that we discover His wisdom, truth, and promises for our lives. But where do we begin? How do we […]

God’s Faithfulness to Abraham

In the scripture, few figures shine as brightly as Abraham, the patriarch of faith. God’s covenant with Abraham, as recorded in the Bible, is a testament to the unwavering faithfulness of our Creator. As we delve into the pages of Scripture, we witness the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham, a journey that spans generations and lays the foundation for […]

The Joy of The Lord in The Believer’s Life

The Joy of the Lord, as articulated in the Bible, is a profound and transcendent sense of gladness, fulfillment, and well-being that stems from a deep and abiding relationship with God. At its core, the Joy of the Lord is a spiritual and unshakeable delight that springs from an intimate relationship with God. It’s not contingent on external situations but […]

Has God Rejected Israel and His People?

We must be nearing the end times because the amount of false teachings and deceptions has never been so prevalent as it has been in recent years. We know scripture warns us that one of the signs that we are approaching the end times will be this influx of falsehood, which will lead many into spiritual error and into apostasy. […]

The Lost Tribes Of Israel Doctrine

British Israelism, also known as Anglo-Israelism, suggests that the “lost ten tribes” of Israel found their way to Europe, specifically England, shaping the ancestry of the British people and, consequently, the United States. However, upon closer examination, this false teaching begins to unravel when we compare it with the truth of the scripture. In exploring British Israelism, the theological endeavor […]

What The Bible Says About Lying

The Bibles Warning To Those Who Lie The Bible views lying as a sin because it goes against the character and nature of God, who is the embodiment of truth and righteousness. When we engage in deception, we distance ourselves from God’s character and compromise our witness as His followers. The Bible teaches that lying entered the world as a […]

What The Bible Says About Gossip and Slander

Gossip and Slander Gossip and slander are destructive forces that have plagued human relationships since ancient times. The Bible addresses these issues directly, presenting clear guidance and warnings about the crippling effects of spreading falsehoods and engaging in malicious speech.  Gossip can be defined as the idle or malicious talk about others, often involving the spreading of rumors or personal […]

The Path of a Disciple: Enduring as Jesus Endured

Followers of Jesus Christ are called to be disciples, to walk in His footsteps, and to embody the teachings and character of their Savior. But what does it truly mean to follow in the way of Christ? One profound aspect of this journey is the understanding that, just as Jesus endured trials and tribulations, His disciples will also face challenges. […]

Sanctuary of Grace

I want to formally welcome all of my readers to my Etsy storefront, “Sanctuary of Grace”, a haven for Christian digital downloads! Whether you’re a believer in Christ Jesus, a Christian homeschool mom, or involved in Sunday school or youth groups, Sanctuary of Grace offers a wide range of resources to enrich your faith journey. From inspirational home decor to […]

You Must Put Off Falsehood And Speak Truthfully

The Bible provides clear and insightful guidance on the topic of lying and its consequences. Throughout the pages of the Bible, lying is consistently portrayed as a behavior that is contrary to God’s character and detrimental to individuals, relationships with others, and our walk with God. Let’s look at what the Bible says about liars, exploring the moral, spiritual, and […]

The Fall of King Saul: A Tragic Tale of Rise, Decline, and Lessons Learned

King Saul is an important figure in the Old Testament. He was the first king of Israel, chosen by God to lead the Israelites. King Saul’s life serves as a cautionary tale in the Bible, illustrating the consequences of disobedience, and the importance of humility, and obedience to God’s commands. Despite his early successes, his reign was marked by a […]

Bible Verses About Falling Away From The Truth

Below are all New Testament Bible verses about falling away from the truth. Drift Away/ Fall Away Hebrews 2:1 Therefore, we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4  Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man […]

Prophetic Warning 3/20/23

The Banner Is Lifted On The High Mountain “Lift up a banner on the high mountain, Raise your voice to them; Wave your hand, that they may enter the gates of the nobles.  I have commanded My sanctified ones; I have also called My mighty ones for My anger— Those who rejoice in My exaltation.” Isaiah 13:2-3 Hear What The Spirit Of The […]

Surviving Your Wilderness Season With God

A Journey Through The Wilderness Season With God There is no way around it, God’s people will be assigned time in wilderness seasons. Just as we see in Exodus, God liberated His people from slavery in Egypt and out through the wilderness, He will likewise do the same with us. So what can we learn from the examples found in […]

5 Things That Happen When You Surrender Your Pain To God

When we are of a broken and contrite spirit, God can accomplish His greatest works in us. Rather than running from the pain and hurt, I’ve learned it’s much more useful to lean into it while gripping tightly to The Lord. There is no point pretending it’s not there, for we only deceive ourselves and slow down or even miss out altogether on the healing God can provide. Acknowledge the situation you’re in and the emotions you’re having, providing yourself the time to process what you’re experiencing. Weep at the feet of Jesus and allow yourself to be honest and vulnerable, for in it comes great healing.