The Dangers of Kundalini Awakening

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11 NIV). Currently, we are seeing a resurgence of mysticism, spirituality, and the occult. Eastern religious traditions have become ever popular in the West. People are angry, confused, lost, and hungry for a spiritual experience, the truth; something more. It is in this vulnerable state […]

Dangers Of The Occult

Recognizing The Dangers of The Occult When you hear the term occult, what comes to mind? My initial thoughts when I hear the word occult are a group of people standing in a circle, draped with black cloaks, chanting some ritualistic mantra, surrounded by candles somewhere in an underground cave dwelling. Though there are absolutely groups that do those things, […]

Christian Homeschool vs Public Schools:

    Homeschool vs Public Schools We are heading towards the school year which will be the end of my first year of online homeschooling my daughter. I wanted to take a minute to post the reasons why we traded public school for homeschooling. As I know a lot of parents are deciding whether they want to send their children […]

The Truth About Sleep Paralysis: Alien And Demonic Encounters

People are jumping on board with this idea that these higher beings will be the world’s “savior”, protecting us from our own self-destruction or preventing an apocalyptic event. Getting people to believe this is Satan’s ultimate agenda. It makes sense that Satan would reinforce this because we know he wants to exalt himself, and if people are worshipping these higher beings considering these aliens to be their  “saviors” he has succeeded in putting himself in place of our true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to those who fall for the deception.