9 Attributes Of God

This is a question I often ask myself, and I have realized that learning about God is an ongoing process. The first thing that needs to be established is a correct understanding of the attributes of God. Proper interpretation of God’s character will set forth the groundwork for a powerful prayer life. Likewise, it is necessary to have a correct view of God to avoid falling into the many deceptions the enemy uses to cause believers to stumble. 

Satan likes people to view God as an unpleasable and judgemental angry man in the sky, who sits on a throne in the clouds. This is the flawed perception of God that many people have that keep them in spiritual bondage. Inhibiting their ability to grow in their relationship with him. Studying the attributes of God should be a priority for every believer, old and new. The attributes of God describe his divine nature, his magnificence, and character, which altogether provide us with a clearer understanding of him.

The Truth About Biblical Angels

If I ask you to envision in your mind what an angel looks like, you would most likely think of glowing heavenly beings whose appearance is in human form. Much like many of the artistic renderings portrayed in paintings throughout time. Kind and attractive, with white wings, topped with halos and carrying a harp in one hand. These are the images that come to the mind of most people if you ask them to describe angels, and it is completely inaccurate. Scripture describes to us the different types of angels and gives us a glimpse into their appearance and most people would be shocked at what the Bible says about angels. 

The Truth About Sleep Paralysis: Alien And Demonic Encounters

People are jumping on board with this idea that these higher beings will be the world’s “savior”, protecting us from our own self-destruction or preventing an apocalyptic event. Getting people to believe this is Satan’s ultimate agenda. It makes sense that Satan would reinforce this because we know he wants to exalt himself, and if people are worshipping these higher beings considering these aliens to be their  “saviors” he has succeeded in putting himself in place of our true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to those who fall for the deception.

Paranormal Investigating: Are You Bringing Home Demonic Spirits?

Let’s get one thing straight, the name of Jesus is not some magic word anyone can pull out and expect divine protection while continually sinning against God. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that a non-believer can’t call out the name of Jesus and experience his power. I absolutely believe that can and will happen. The defining factor is whether the person calling out the name of Jesus is doing it from a sincere heart or using it as some magical incantation.