Understanding the Purposes of Biblical Fasting and Prayer

Fasting is a practice deeply rooted in biblical tradition, with profound spiritual significance. Throughout the pages of the Bible, we find numerous examples of biblical fasting and prayer, each serving a distinct purpose in the lives of God’s people. Let us delve into Scripture to uncover the purposes of biblical fasting as revealed in God’s Word. Seeking God’s Guidance: In […]

Prophetic Warning 3/20/23

The Banner Is Lifted On The High Mountain “Lift up a banner on the high mountain, Raise your voice to them; Wave your hand, that they may enter the gates of the nobles.  I have commanded My sanctified ones; I have also called My mighty ones for My anger— Those who rejoice in My exaltation.” Isaiah 13:2-3 Hear What The Spirit Of The […]

Dangerous Prayers That Move God

 Dangerous Prayers That Move God I want to preface this post with somewhat of a warning to the readers. The prayers I will go over in this article are only meant for those individuals who, with a sincere heart, desire to be aligned with God’s will. For those who will surrender their life as a living sacrifice to The Father. […]

Why Read The Bible? Power and Purpose Of God’s Word.

Why Read The Bible? Many people tell you when you get saved how important it is to read the Bible every day, but most don’t say more than that. This leaves new and old believers alike unaware of the importance of daily Bible reading. Most people who do not read their Bible are simply ignorant of its power and purpose. […]

Praying For Your Husband: A Wife’s Commission.

I have learned a lot of things these past 5 years of walking with the Lord. One such area God has been growing me in recently is marriage. I have been married 11 years, but in these past 8-10 months I have been applying biblical principles into my role as wife and mother and have witnessed the good fruit it […]

3 Ways God Answers Prayers

Prayer is a critical part of our relationship with God. Understanding the different ways in which God may respond to our prayer requests is essential. Throughout scripture we see God responding to prayers in various ways. There may be times when you are praying about something and you feel as though you have not received an answer from God on […]

Tips For Reading And Understanding The Bible Better

All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. Understanding The Bible Better There are so many Christians walking around with little to no understanding of Gods word, why is that? How can people be expected to follow the instruction of the Bible if they […]

A True Change Of Heart

It seems like a lifetime ago when I think back to the person I used to be. Whenever I talk or write about my life before coming to Christ, I feel like I’m telling someone else’s story. Because of the stark contrast in who I was to who I am in Christ is mind-blowing. Each day I notice areas in my life and in my character that are growing and aligning with whom God wants me to be.

The Truth About Biblical Angels

If I ask you to envision in your mind what an angel looks like, you would most likely think of glowing heavenly beings whose appearance is in human form. Much like many of the artistic renderings portrayed in paintings throughout time. Kind and attractive, with white wings, topped with halos and carrying a harp in one hand. These are the images that come to the mind of most people if you ask them to describe angels, and it is completely inaccurate. Scripture describes to us the different types of angels and gives us a glimpse into their appearance and most people would be shocked at what the Bible says about angels. 

The Truth About Sleep Paralysis: Alien And Demonic Encounters

People are jumping on board with this idea that these higher beings will be the world’s “savior”, protecting us from our own self-destruction or preventing an apocalyptic event. Getting people to believe this is Satan’s ultimate agenda. It makes sense that Satan would reinforce this because we know he wants to exalt himself, and if people are worshipping these higher beings considering these aliens to be their  “saviors” he has succeeded in putting himself in place of our true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to those who fall for the deception.

The Plans Of Your Enemy The Devil

By now you should realize that you have a lifelong enemy; Satan. Every day when you wake up, you are entering a spiritual battle, the battle for your soul. Satan would love nothing more than to ensure that you remain unaware, unprepared, and deceived. Once you realize this, you will begin to recognize his evil works in your daily life. There are no limits to how far he will go or how low he will stoop to walk out his evil plans that are specifically devised for you.