The Deception of Having a Form of Godliness: A Call to Genuine Transformation

In 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV), the Apostle Paul warns Timothy of perilous times that will come in the last days, describing people who have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”  The phrase “having a form of godliness” suggests an outward appearance of religiosity or piety, yet lacking the transformative power of true faith. This form of godliness […]

The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit: A New Life In Christ

In surrendering to God, and giving your life to Christ, one of the most profound experiences is encountering the transformative work of the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, their life undergoes a radical transformation, marked by spiritual rebirth, renewal, empowerment, and a newfound identity in Christ.

Taking Up Your Cross and Denying Yourself: A Call to Radical Discipleship

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus issues a profound call to all who would follow Him: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24, KJV). This invitation to discipleship is not one of comfort or convenience but of sacrifice and surrender. It is evident from Scripture that […]

The Path of a Disciple: Enduring as Jesus Endured

Followers of Jesus Christ are called to be disciples, to walk in His footsteps, and to embody the teachings and character of their Savior. But what does it truly mean to follow in the way of Christ? One profound aspect of this journey is the understanding that, just as Jesus endured trials and tribulations, His disciples will also face challenges. […]

Self Deception: Why Knowledge Alone Falls Short

When Seeking Knowledge Leads To Self Deception One significant issue plaguing many believers today is a misunderstanding of what it means to follow Christ. Too often, I’ve encountered people who, in their pride, believe they require no further instruction. They assume they have it all figured out, simply because they once recited the sinner’s prayer. However, nowhere in the Bible […]

Dangerous Prayers That Move God

 Dangerous Prayers That Move God I want to preface this post with somewhat of a warning to the readers. The prayers I will go over in this article are only meant for those individuals who, with a sincere heart, desire to be aligned with God’s will. For those who will surrender their life as a living sacrifice to The Father. […]

7 Life Lessons From God

  Life Lessons From God Good parents teach their children life lessons in order to help them navigate through life’s various obstacles and detours, hoping to prepare and strengthen them for their journey through life. In that same way, God wants to teach His children His heavenly wisdom and guidance. He knows all the areas we struggle in; He knows […]

A True Change Of Heart

It seems like a lifetime ago when I think back to the person I used to be. Whenever I talk or write about my life before coming to Christ, I feel like I’m telling someone else’s story. Because of the stark contrast in who I was to who I am in Christ is mind-blowing. Each day I notice areas in my life and in my character that are growing and aligning with whom God wants me to be.

9 Attributes Of God

This is a question I often ask myself, and I have realized that learning about God is an ongoing process. The first thing that needs to be established is a correct understanding of the attributes of God. Proper interpretation of God’s character will set forth the groundwork for a powerful prayer life. Likewise, it is necessary to have a correct view of God to avoid falling into the many deceptions the enemy uses to cause believers to stumble. 

Satan likes people to view God as an unpleasable and judgemental angry man in the sky, who sits on a throne in the clouds. This is the flawed perception of God that many people have that keep them in spiritual bondage. Inhibiting their ability to grow in their relationship with him. Studying the attributes of God should be a priority for every believer, old and new. The attributes of God describe his divine nature, his magnificence, and character, which altogether provide us with a clearer understanding of him.