Unveiling the Dangers of Idolatry

Few topics resonate as powerfully as the warnings against the dangers of idolatry found in the Bible. From the Old Testament to the New, the scriptures deliver profound insights into the perils of placing anything above the one true God. Understanding Idolatry Idolatry, in its essence, is the act of worshiping or prioritizing anything other than God. It extends beyond […]

Types of People the Bible Warns Us to Avoid

The Bible serves as a guidebook for believers, offering wisdom and insight on how to live a godly and fulfilling life. Along with its teachings on love, compassion, and forgiveness, there are people the Bible warns us to avoid and distance ourselves from. As Christians, we need to be intentional with whom we allow access into our everyday life. 1 […]

The Deception of Having a Form of Godliness: A Call to Genuine Transformation

In 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV), the Apostle Paul warns Timothy of perilous times that will come in the last days, describing people who have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”  The phrase “having a form of godliness” suggests an outward appearance of religiosity or piety, yet lacking the transformative power of true faith. This form of godliness […]

Taking Up Your Cross and Denying Yourself: A Call to Radical Discipleship

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus issues a profound call to all who would follow Him: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24, KJV). This invitation to discipleship is not one of comfort or convenience but of sacrifice and surrender. It is evident from Scripture that […]

Bible Study Resources To Get The Most Out Of Your Studies

In a world filled with distractions and demands, finding time to study the Bible can often feel like a daunting task. Yet, as Christians, we understand the importance of immersing ourselves in the Word of God, for it is through Scripture that we discover His wisdom, truth, and promises for our lives. But where do we begin? How do we […]

The Joy of The Lord in The Believer’s Life

The Joy of the Lord, as articulated in the Bible, is a profound and transcendent sense of gladness, fulfillment, and well-being that stems from a deep and abiding relationship with God. At its core, the Joy of the Lord is a spiritual and unshakeable delight that springs from an intimate relationship with God. It’s not contingent on external situations but […]

What The Bible Says About Gossip and Slander

Gossip and Slander Gossip and slander are destructive forces that have plagued human relationships since ancient times. The Bible addresses these issues directly, presenting clear guidance and warnings about the crippling effects of spreading falsehoods and engaging in malicious speech.  Gossip can be defined as the idle or malicious talk about others, often involving the spreading of rumors or personal […]

The Path of a Disciple: Enduring as Jesus Endured

Followers of Jesus Christ are called to be disciples, to walk in His footsteps, and to embody the teachings and character of their Savior. But what does it truly mean to follow in the way of Christ? One profound aspect of this journey is the understanding that, just as Jesus endured trials and tribulations, His disciples will also face challenges. […]

Dangerous Prayers That Move God

 Dangerous Prayers That Move God I want to preface this post with somewhat of a warning to the readers. The prayers I will go over in this article are only meant for those individuals who, with a sincere heart, desire to be aligned with God’s will. For those who will surrender their life as a living sacrifice to The Father. […]

Surviving Your Wilderness Season With God

A Journey Through The Wilderness Season With God There is no way around it, God’s people will be assigned time in wilderness seasons. Just as we see in Exodus, God liberated His people from slavery in Egypt and out through the wilderness, He will likewise do the same with us. So what can we learn from the examples found in […]

5 Things That Happen When You Surrender Your Pain To God

When we are of a broken and contrite spirit, God can accomplish His greatest works in us. Rather than running from the pain and hurt, I’ve learned it’s much more useful to lean into it while gripping tightly to The Lord. There is no point pretending it’s not there, for we only deceive ourselves and slow down or even miss out altogether on the healing God can provide. Acknowledge the situation you’re in and the emotions you’re having, providing yourself the time to process what you’re experiencing. Weep at the feet of Jesus and allow yourself to be honest and vulnerable, for in it comes great healing.

The Plans Of Your Enemy The Devil

By now you should realize that you have a lifelong enemy; Satan. Every day when you wake up, you are entering a spiritual battle, the battle for your soul. Satan would love nothing more than to ensure that you remain unaware, unprepared, and deceived. Once you realize this, you will begin to recognize his evil works in your daily life. There are no limits to how far he will go or how low he will stoop to walk out his evil plans that are specifically devised for you.