The Dangers of Kundalini Awakening

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11 NIV). Currently, we are seeing a resurgence of mysticism, spirituality, and the occult. Eastern religious traditions have become ever popular in the West. People are angry, confused, lost, and hungry for a spiritual experience, the truth; something more. It is in this vulnerable state […]

Godly and Ungodly Soul Ties

Godly And Ungodly Soul Ties You rarely hear the term soul ties during Sunday morning church services, and the term soul tie itself isn’t found in scripture. Yet we can pinpoint many examples of soul ties in the biblical texts that will help us understand what soul ties are and how they are formed. A soul tie is like a spiritual […]

Dangers Of The Occult

Recognizing The Dangers of The Occult When you hear the term occult, what comes to mind? My initial thoughts when I hear the word occult are a group of people standing in a circle, draped with black cloaks, chanting some ritualistic mantra, surrounded by candles somewhere in an underground cave dwelling. Though there are absolutely groups that do those things, […]

Paranormal Investigating: Are You Bringing Home Demonic Spirits?

Let’s get one thing straight, the name of Jesus is not some magic word anyone can pull out and expect divine protection while continually sinning against God. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that a non-believer can’t call out the name of Jesus and experience his power. I absolutely believe that can and will happen. The defining factor is whether the person calling out the name of Jesus is doing it from a sincere heart or using it as some magical incantation.