Unveiling the Dangers of Idolatry

Few topics resonate as powerfully as the warnings against the dangers of idolatry found in the Bible. From the Old Testament to the New, the scriptures deliver profound insights into the perils of placing anything above the one true God. Understanding Idolatry Idolatry, in its essence, is the act of worshiping or prioritizing anything other than God. It extends beyond […]

The Deception of Having a Form of Godliness: A Call to Genuine Transformation

In 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV), the Apostle Paul warns Timothy of perilous times that will come in the last days, describing people who have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”  The phrase “having a form of godliness” suggests an outward appearance of religiosity or piety, yet lacking the transformative power of true faith. This form of godliness […]

Biblical Wisdom For Toxic Relationships

In our journey as believers, we encounter various relationships that impact our lives. While God calls us to love others and extend forgiveness, there are times when we must prayerfully consider walking away from individuals who persist in unrepentant behavior, toxicity, and refusal to change. There’s a balance that must be achieved in guarding ourselves from toxic people while maintaining […]

What The Bible Says About Lying

The Bibles Warning To Those Who Lie The Bible views lying as a sin because it goes against the character and nature of God, who is the embodiment of truth and righteousness. When we engage in deception, we distance ourselves from God’s character and compromise our witness as His followers. The Bible teaches that lying entered the world as a […]

What The Bible Says About Gossip and Slander

Gossip and Slander Gossip and slander are destructive forces that have plagued human relationships since ancient times. The Bible addresses these issues directly, presenting clear guidance and warnings about the crippling effects of spreading falsehoods and engaging in malicious speech.  Gossip can be defined as the idle or malicious talk about others, often involving the spreading of rumors or personal […]

God, The Angry Man In The Sky: The wrong view of God

Lies We Believe Before giving my life to the Lord, I would have to admit to my own inaccurate view of God. I too, like so many others, regarded God as “The angry man in the sky”. Overtime my own corruptible thoughts coupled with the world’s perception of God had constructed the view I had of Him. Between all the […]

Dangers Of The Occult

Recognizing The Dangers of The Occult When you hear the term occult, what comes to mind? My initial thoughts when I hear the word occult are a group of people standing in a circle, draped with black cloaks, chanting some ritualistic mantra, surrounded by candles somewhere in an underground cave dwelling. Though there are absolutely groups that do those things, […]

A True Change Of Heart

It seems like a lifetime ago when I think back to the person I used to be. Whenever I talk or write about my life before coming to Christ, I feel like I’m telling someone else’s story. Because of the stark contrast in who I was to who I am in Christ is mind-blowing. Each day I notice areas in my life and in my character that are growing and aligning with whom God wants me to be.

9 Attributes Of God

This is a question I often ask myself, and I have realized that learning about God is an ongoing process. The first thing that needs to be established is a correct understanding of the attributes of God. Proper interpretation of God’s character will set forth the groundwork for a powerful prayer life. Likewise, it is necessary to have a correct view of God to avoid falling into the many deceptions the enemy uses to cause believers to stumble. 

Satan likes people to view God as an unpleasable and judgemental angry man in the sky, who sits on a throne in the clouds. This is the flawed perception of God that many people have that keep them in spiritual bondage. Inhibiting their ability to grow in their relationship with him. Studying the attributes of God should be a priority for every believer, old and new. The attributes of God describe his divine nature, his magnificence, and character, which altogether provide us with a clearer understanding of him.

Opiate Withdrawal And My Hellish Experience

Consider all of your greatest fears, that will be the material that is used for your tailored nightmares. Scenarios of losing loved ones along with making mistakes that can’t be undone play like a movie in your mind. Your body and mind desperately want to escape the withdrawal and the strongholds of addiction are aware of this. Persuading you to give up and give in through dreams of walking into a room to discover a heaping pile of free drugs, the one thing that can stop all the suffering. Contentment is finally reached as you experience the relief of “getting right,” only to wake up to discover it was all a sick joke. These were the moments when I often quit, looking back I clearly see the demonic influence behind it. 

The Plans Of Your Enemy The Devil

By now you should realize that you have a lifelong enemy; Satan. Every day when you wake up, you are entering a spiritual battle, the battle for your soul. Satan would love nothing more than to ensure that you remain unaware, unprepared, and deceived. Once you realize this, you will begin to recognize his evil works in your daily life. There are no limits to how far he will go or how low he will stoop to walk out his evil plans that are specifically devised for you.

Godly Love vs Worldly Love

This is perhaps the most common topic and characteristic of God that people like to alter. Whether by misinterpretation of scripture or willingly deciding to justify sin in relation to God’s love, both are disastrous. There seems to be a popular mix up between God’s love and acceptance. When exposing a person’s sin, the most frequently spoken reputable said is how God is love and because he is love, he accepts everyone just the way they are. Certainly not!