You Must Put Off Falsehood And Speak Truthfully

The Bible provides clear and insightful guidance on the topic of lying and its consequences. Throughout the pages of the Bible, lying is consistently portrayed as a behavior that is contrary to God’s character and detrimental to individuals, relationships with others, and our walk with God. Let’s look at what the Bible says about liars, exploring the moral, spiritual, and […]

Godly and Ungodly Soul Ties

Godly And Ungodly Soul Ties You rarely hear the term soul ties during Sunday morning church services, and the term soul tie itself isn’t found in scripture. Yet we can pinpoint many examples of soul ties in the biblical texts that will help us understand what soul ties are and how they are formed. A soul tie is like a spiritual […]

God, The Angry Man In The Sky: The wrong view of God

Lies We Believe Before giving my life to the Lord, I would have to admit to my own inaccurate view of God. I too, like so many others, regarded God as “The angry man in the sky”. Overtime my own corruptible thoughts coupled with the world’s perception of God had constructed the view I had of Him. Between all the […]

Dangers Of The Occult

Recognizing The Dangers of The Occult When you hear the term occult, what comes to mind? My initial thoughts when I hear the word occult are a group of people standing in a circle, draped with black cloaks, chanting some ritualistic mantra, surrounded by candles somewhere in an underground cave dwelling. Though there are absolutely groups that do those things, […]

Basics Of Spiritual Warfare

Part One: Understanding Basics of Spiritual Warfare There is a process an individual must go through before becoming a soldier deemed fit for war. Just the same, we too must learn the boot-camp basics of spiritual warfare before venturing into battle. There are a few key things you need to have a solid understanding of before moving forward. Every solider going […]

The Truth About Death And Dying

Facing Our Own Mortality Lets talk about the one thing that is absolutely definite in life, and that is death. What are those final moments like? That moment when you’re looking at your own mortality in the face. We all handle that thought differently. Some of us accept it out of necessity. Others avoid it all together because the permanency […]

9 Attributes Of God

This is a question I often ask myself, and I have realized that learning about God is an ongoing process. The first thing that needs to be established is a correct understanding of the attributes of God. Proper interpretation of God’s character will set forth the groundwork for a powerful prayer life. Likewise, it is necessary to have a correct view of God to avoid falling into the many deceptions the enemy uses to cause believers to stumble. 

Satan likes people to view God as an unpleasable and judgemental angry man in the sky, who sits on a throne in the clouds. This is the flawed perception of God that many people have that keep them in spiritual bondage. Inhibiting their ability to grow in their relationship with him. Studying the attributes of God should be a priority for every believer, old and new. The attributes of God describe his divine nature, his magnificence, and character, which altogether provide us with a clearer understanding of him.

The Plans Of Your Enemy The Devil

By now you should realize that you have a lifelong enemy; Satan. Every day when you wake up, you are entering a spiritual battle, the battle for your soul. Satan would love nothing more than to ensure that you remain unaware, unprepared, and deceived. Once you realize this, you will begin to recognize his evil works in your daily life. There are no limits to how far he will go or how low he will stoop to walk out his evil plans that are specifically devised for you.

Paranormal Investigating: Are You Bringing Home Demonic Spirits?

Let’s get one thing straight, the name of Jesus is not some magic word anyone can pull out and expect divine protection while continually sinning against God. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that a non-believer can’t call out the name of Jesus and experience his power. I absolutely believe that can and will happen. The defining factor is whether the person calling out the name of Jesus is doing it from a sincere heart or using it as some magical incantation.

Self Medicating Myself Right Into A Heroin Addiction

How did the choice of self medicating lead to my heroin addiction? It all started with a desperate attempt and last-ditch effort to escape what I could not handle. The persistence of my clinical depression and bipolar disorder completely hijacked my life. I sought professional help, antidepressants, therapy and all the self-help books I could stomach. Year after year, it […]